As now President Biden enters office, his administration faces a variety of major issues, not only related to the pandemic, but also to cybersecurity and the online world. The continually developing SolarWinds supply chain attack that led to breaches of multiple federal agencies is still making headlines. And data privacy concerns, ransomware, Section 230, and net neutrality all count themselves as significant as well.

How will the new administration (and Congress) address them and where are they on the priority list? Washington D.C.-based policy analyst Caitlin Chin answers those questions and more. We go deeper into the government breach and what made this one different, then move into what policymakers could do when it comes to cybersecurity and regulations of social media and internet access in the next 4 years.

Check out a few of Caitlin's recent articles:

After the SolarWinds hack, the Biden Administration must address Russian cybersecurity threats

What to expect from a Biden FCC on Section 230, net neutrality, and 5G

How the 2020 elections will shape the federal privacy debate

The U.S. privacy landscape post GDPR

In headlines, we talk about a ransomware-stopping collaboration, how cybersecurity pros worry AI will replace them, and the Biden-Peloton controversy.

See the news stories:

New coalition aims to combat growing wave of ransomware attacks

AI set to replace humans in cybersecurity by 2030, says Trend Micro 

So long, Peloton: Joe Biden may need new exercise equipment when he moves to White House

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