We previewed cyber security policy under President Biden at the beginning of 2021. But a lot of big things have happened in cybersecurity since then, making now seem a pretty good time to check in on where things stand. So we brought in an expert to help: NextGov's Mariam Baksh. Mariam tells us about the latest developments from the White House relating to cyber policy, including what may really make a difference versus what actions could just be for show. She also discusses why the NIST framework is getting a revisit, the involvement of private industry in the latest policy directions, and more. 

Read more from Mariam: https://www.nextgov.com/voices/mariam-baksh/15380/. And find her on the Critical Update podcast: https://www.nextgov.com/podcasts/

In headlines, we follow up with more from the T-Mobile data breach, talk about Apple and its privacy compromise, and discuss another ransomware cell calling it quits.
 Here are the stories:
Updating the T-Mobile Data Breach Story


Apple Just Traded Your Privacy for $15 Billion


Diabolical Ransomware Gang Calls It Quits


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