
Why DIDN’t Larrabee fail?
AVX-512 support in Xeon Phi, Knights Landing
CPUs supporting AVX-512

New Nvidia GPUS

Laptop GTX 1060, 1070, 1080
Deep Learning aimed P4 and P40

iPhone 7 Plus

John Gruber’s iPhones 7 review
LITTLE cores not used in Geekbench Benchmarks
big.LITTLE bug in Mono
Nine-levels of depth detection
Remours of Intel modems in iPhone 7
Some Sensor Sums

On a 7+, the wide is 3.99mm /_f_1.8 on 1/3”, and the tele a 6.6mm /f2.8 on 1/3.2”
Angle of view is α = 2arctan( d / 2f), where d is the sensor width.

So decrease f, to get the same α you need to keep (d / 2f) constant, so d decreases.

Calculate f number like: N = f/D, where f is focal length and D aperture diameter.

So double f and 22 the area of glass needed.
But f isn’t doubled on the tele, as the sensor is smaller so doesn’t need to double to half the FOV (2x zoom) - see the above point about α.

Speculation and deep dive on future ceramic iPhones
Nilay Patel’s iPhone 7 review on The Verge

Intel buys Movidius

Official announcement from Movidius CEO
Open CV
Mat Hackett (Not Matt Haughey, sorry) describes the OpenCV install procedure

The BBC’s Turing Codec

Announcement post and benchmarks
Project Homepage
GitHub Repo


Email addresses it would be really annoying to give out over the phone
Intertec Superbrain
Stackexchange question about Office Space company names
HP 9000 Superdome on Ebay
HP Integrity Superdome 2 on Ebay
Asus E3V5 WS Motherboard
Asus Support Website
ASUS ROG Strix GeForce® GTX 1080

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