Quest for the Best Pilot Ever (episodes #2-12) Welcome to a very special episode of Pilots and Petards Podcast where today we will rank the previous pilots reviewed and analyzed. This week Mo is out pursuing her scholarly duties, so Jimbo and Drew look back to rank and discover the best and worst pilot episodes.... Continue Reading →

Quest for the Best Pilot Ever (episodes #2-12)

Welcome to a very special episode of Pilots and Petards Podcast where today we will rank the previous pilots reviewed and analyzed. This week Mo is out pursuing her scholarly duties, so Jimbo and Drew look back to rank and discover the best and worst pilot episodes.


Only pilot episodes are taken into account. In the case of a tie, the tiebreaker will go to the most successful series.
The following criteria influence the hoisters: storytelling, entertainment, and of course nostalgia. Personal preferences are key, but your hoisters tried to sort these shows objectively.
Pilot episodes started at the bottom of the barrel with the unanimous hoists. From there Drew and Jimbo worked their way up to the unanimous Not Hoists.

Show Notes

[1:30] Hoisted pilots- Buffy the Vampire Slayer, 7th Heaven, and Wonderfalls

[5:07] The split decisions- Supernatural and Glee

[8:30] X-Men the Animated Series

[9:45] Dawson’s Creek

[11:40] One Punch Man

[12:10] My Name Is Earl

[22:50] The Shield

[27:11] The Wonder Years

[34:27] Final List (look at Jimbo’s comment below for the full list)

[35:25] Super Shop talk: reviewing the final ranking ideas and what’s to come… Demand for more Shield podcasts; more Mo; Zero’s feedback;

[46:39] Next Week

[48:10] Review from Zero

Click Here for the current running list of the quest for the best and worst pilot episode in a filmic series. For a list of the original pilots dicussed in this episode look for Jimbo’s comment below.

Listeners, we would love to see your lists too. Tweet, email, post, or comment to one of our accounts.