Firefly “Serenity” The podcast with nothing much ado about aircrafts, and potentially everything ado with first episodes of a filmic series.Join us today as we cast judgement and determine if the Sci Fi western Firefly will be hoisted, or not hoisted: that is the question! Cheat Sheet: Petard = bomb Hoist a pilot = bad... Continue Reading →

Firefly “Serenity”

The podcast with nothing much ado about aircrafts, and potentially everything ado with first episodes of a filmic series.Join us today as we cast judgement and determine if the Sci Fi western Firefly will be hoisted, or not hoisted: that is the question!

Cheat Sheet:

Petard = bomb
Hoist a pilot = bad episode
Not hoist a pilot = good episode
Limp Bizkit- disappointing from what you remember

Show Notes

Episode announcements: Jimbo coins a new term. Zero inspires some serious shop talk.

Background: Jimbo and Drew both had watched Firefly with their dads, and had nostalgia prior to watching. Mo was viewing fresh.

Summary: In a far flung future the human race has abandoned Earth for the stars! But life on the outer rim of the known universe can be downright harrowing, technology and amenities have to catch up so this new future has become the new “old west.” Smugglers and six shooters accompany mercenary Captain Mal Reynolds and his quirky crew as they try to stay one step ahead of the monolothic Alliance of Planets government and off the radar of the savage Reavers! And what secrets are the passengers of the Serenity hiding? Find out on the pilot episode of…FIREFLY!!

High Points: Capt Reynolds. The ship and the geography of the ship. Soundless space and the space setting.

Low Points: Sooo much! Everything the he Mole. Slow pace. The length and disjointed storytelling of the pilot. Too long. Too many unlikeable characters. Three convoluted adventures. And so fucking corny

Crabman Award: Crabless

MVPs: Capt Reynolds development in the opening scene. The world building, this is an impressive “sandbox.” Inara

Dangling Threads of Interest: The Browncoats/Losers of the war problem. Fox executives forcing the 2nd episode to be the series premiere, and the 1st vs 2nd episodes. Prostitution and madams in the Old West. Sex workers. Inara as a mary magdalene figure.  A bit of the REAVERS. And no Chinese people.

Watch or Rewatch: Jimbo will rewatch again someday. Drew would rather watch something new. Mo sounds like she could.

To Hoist or Not to Hoist?: Hella hoisted.

Quest for the best: Firefly is taking the 9th spot between Supernatural and Wonderfalls.


The sci-fi series Expanse
Serenity the 2005 Firefly film.
The sci-fi series Battlestar Galatica
Castle the comedy-drama staring actor Nathan Fillion (Malcom Reynolds)
Dr Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog created by the Whedon’s s staring Nathan Fillion

Next Week: Nick Edwards our PC Moz bud chose the Revolutionary AMC drama Breaking Bad

Plugs: Pilots and Petards official closing music is an instrumental Entheos remix of Alive. Official ad background music mixed by Jake Drew. Follow us on Twitter, Instagram, or join our facebook group.

Shop Talk 2.0 JAM Sess: Review from Liam. Shop talk gets serious with people of color, and using offensive language!

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