Doom Patrol “Pilot” Find us on the following: itunes stitcher player fm podbean twitter instagram facebook Spoiler Free Part 1 [4:15] Highs, Lows, and in Betweens [10:25] Watch or Rewatch [10:50] To Hoist, or Not to Hoist [11:35] The Quest for the Best & Worst Pilots Ever. [12:10] Petardar: (recommendations based on today’s viewing and... Continue Reading →

Doom Patrol “Pilot”

Find us on the following:

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Spoiler Free Part 1

[4:15] Highs, Lows, and in Betweens

[10:25] Watch or Rewatch

[10:50] To Hoist, or Not to Hoist

[11:35] The Quest for the Best & Worst Pilots Ever.

[12:10] Petardar: (recommendations based on today’s viewing and conversation)

Doom Patrol Vol. 1: Brick by Brick (Young Animal) by Gerard Way
Umbrella Academy (the show)
Deadly Class (the show or graphic novel)
“Big Brother” (Glee episode with Matt Bommer)
“I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream” by Harlan Ellison

Part 2

(2:05) Crabman Award:

(5:10) MVP Awards:

(6 :20) Literary Analysis:

Part 3

(16:10) Stormy Daniels Dangling Threads of Interests:

Part 4

(20:10) Shop Talk goes Avengers End Game


Check out Liz’s GoT podcast Competitions of Chairs
Read Liz’s reviews of video games, comics, movies, and TV at But Why Tho?
Intro and outro music was mixed by Jake Drew contact him for beats or music for your podcast or musical career.


Help wanted: looking for a volunteer to transcribe our This Close episode for deaf and hard of hearing audiences. Leave a comment or send us a message to join the team!

If you notice show notes without the times for the different sections, and you’d like to help. Leave a comment with the section times and we will update the notes!

Would anyone like to become a part of the team as the audio editor? Contact Jimbo for free lessons and a description of the position.

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