With the help of his colleague Elise Bernhardt, Stephan Koplowitz traces his early years at Jacob's Pillow, where ideas were planted that led to a fruitful, life-long career and his book entitled “On Site: Methods for Site-Specific Performance Creation.” Featured are inside looks at Dancing In The Streets and Grand Central Dances, as well as Joanna Haigood's thoughts about her work process as a site choreographer. 

Book, "On Site: Methods for Site-Specific Performance Creation" https://www.stephankoplowitz.com/onsitebook

Video, "Fenestrations" (1987) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxCkkMPypGc

Video, "Fenestrations2" (1999) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QcMW78qRuSo