You can go from humble beginnings to managing a large real estate empire. Learn how Josh Cantwell did exactly that in today’s episode. Welcome to Pillars of Wealth Creation, where we talk about building financial freedom with a special focus in business and Real Estate. Follow along as Todd Dexheimer interviews top entrepreneurs, investors, advisers and coaches.

Josh manages over $40M in private money, which is deployed into multifamily real estate and apartments. He has been involved in 1,000+ wholesale, rehab, rental, foreclosure, and apartment transactions, and currently holds a portfolio of over 3,000+ cash-flowing apartments. He is the founder and CEO of a variety of successful businesses including Freeland Ventures and Strategic Real Estate Coach.

3 Pillars
1. Income stacking
2. Investing in your own self development
3. The best way to learn is to teach

Books: The Infinite Game by Simon Sinek, Start with Why by Simon Sinek, Who Not How by Dan Sullivan and Dr. Benjamin Hardy

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