Episode Guest: Ali Kazimi, Managing Director, Hansuke Consulting Ltd talks tax with host Roy Zimmerhansl

Ali provides listeners with a tour de force on key current issues for tax in securities finance as well as the past, present and future outlook.

3:01 Why should people listen to this podcast?

4:37 Securities lending and tax - uneasy bedfellows?

8:02 Taxation - marrying accounting and legal treatments

11:11 Sen Carl Levin - US Senate Report on Dividend Tax Abuse

22:30 A change in approach for Double Taxation Agreements

25:36 From tax guru to felon - justified or scapegoat?

29:50 The Danish Tax Authority (Skat) claim for tax abuse

35:00 How some firms and tax authoriites are now approaching trading around dividend dates

38:42 Reputational Risk and Beneficial Owners

48:03 Cum-Ex and Cum-Cum transactions

55:06 EBA report on Dividend Arbitrage and financial crime

1:00:56 DAC 6 and what it means for investors

1:03:10 Global challenges and the top-down approavh for tax principles

1:04:46 Hansuke Consulting's diverse and inclusive series of webinars

1:10:30 Closing thoughts from Ali

Stories mentioned in the podcast:

US Senate Report on Dividend Tax Abuse


Danish tax authority claim


Dutch tax authority pursues Morgan Stanley


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