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Meredith and I have been friends for almost 30 years. We like to joke that we are the OG virtual workforce, learning to do school as homeschoolers in the 1990s.

Meredith has a lot of experience providing leadership coaching in the political and professional realm. Now that she is in a new phase of life - she just got married! - she is shifting gears professionally and taking her coaching out on her own, working with individuals all over the country.

Tips for Employees working remotely:

Create systems Have a morning ritual Set up your office well Have an "OFF" button OVER-communicate

Tips for Managers working remotely:
- Hire trustworthy employees
- Utilize a coach to facilitate the new environment
- Be a coach-centered leader
- Don't count hours!

Consciousness = Awareness

Conscious Leadership means being a leader aware of yourself and others.

Contact Meredith:




Patreon Membership for bonus material and insight into upcoming interviews.

Other Resources
15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership

Conscious Coaching (for Leaders)