Elysia always had a funky style, which she used to get to know herself better. Taking a selfie gives you an opportunity to increase your self awareness. More than a fun moment in time, it allows you to process how you are feeling and the connection to how you express yourself.

Fashion is clothing, but it’s also art. It is a personal interpretation of what is on the inside of you. 

Elysia’s first company sold socks. Aptly named Identity Crisis, it was an important developmental piece of growing up. It not only taught her about business, but more about her own identity and the direction she would end up taking in life.

This founder of Pittsburg’s Style412 has a mission to strengthen the modeling and fashion community of the city. 

Follow her for inspiration and to watch another amazing woman change her community.


Dr. Jolene Brighten 

Man Repeller 


The Business of Fashion 


Clothes That Made History

Vogue on Christian Dior

Fashion in Film