I love when I can convince my tribe to appear on the show with me. Today I got Correy to commit last minute and it. is. awesome. She grew up in and around show business in L.A. and ended up behind the scenes. She was part of the founding team for Soul Pancake, excelling in storytelling and being a constant connector of people.

A few of the gems she shared:

You can do good anywhere; it’s all about your perspective. Stop fighting the things your not supposed to be fighting. Take time to assess priorities. Define what success means for you. Let people know what you’re good at. Focus on the strengths of others.

Not having a college degree taught Correy to fight for opportunity and appropriate pay from the beginning. She knew the value she brought to each organization and learned to communicate that to them.

There is no reason for you to receive less compensation than you deserve relative to the industry and company you work for. Here are Correy’s tips on communicating your worth to your organization.

Have an initial conversation about a trial period and schedule a 30-day and 90-day review. Be okay with leaving if your value isn’t realized. Let yourself be known personally, but clarify when the only focus is business. Don’t aim for “getting by”. Set a goal to thrive in your life.



Book: Atomic Habits

Book: Power of Habit

Influencers: Chrissy Power

Sarah james