From dental hygienist to fitness competitor to business coach, this girl’s energy will have you ready to start your own business. She sheds light on the realities of starting and growing her own business as well as the challenges of developing defined abs.

One of my favorite questions she asked is, “Could you die happy right now?”

If you can’t genuinely answer “yes” to that question, it’s time to make a change. Find one small thing you can tweak and do it.

Sara is newly engaged and works with her fiancé. Every. Day. She is sharing the best of what brought her and Joe together, in addition to what has become the glue that keeps them thriving in life and love.

Life is too short to live unfulfilled. All your goals and all your dreams are real possibilities. Put your best foot forward and give it everything you’ve got. As host of The Fulfillment Project, Sara is coaching business owners to refuse settling for the status quo.

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