Challenges come with everything. Literally, everything. If we skated through every bump in the road life throws at us, it would be so boring. Fortunately, no one is perfect, so life is never boring.

Morgan has played softball her entire life, with the privilege of playing professionally for both Switzerland and the Philippines. Softball has equipped her for life skills far beyond the diamond and outfield.  She’s now bringing these lessons to kids and teens everywhere through her online training school.

Defense Club (her baby!) prepares all junior athletes with principles for their sport in addition to the mental stamina that will carry them through all seasons of life. 

Were you ever told to “get back out there” after a failure as a teen? 

Most of us have that experience in some form, but no one ever gave us the followup to learn how failure helps us understand our limits, our weaknesses, and even what we do well.

You’ll hear Morgan unpack her ASAP mantra:

Acknowledge failure

Spot your personality

Activate your defense

Practice every day

Find Morgan at

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