The Details
Unlocked by a talk radio show she heard while driving with her mom in middle school, Meredith discovered her passion for politics and has been involved in the political scene ever since. As a marketing coach, she guides leaders and politicians through critical decisions.

We all face moral and ethical dilemmas. Through Meredith’s experience in legislative circles, she has learned great ways to help people not just set their goals, but stick to them no matter what.

Every day she helps executives and lawmakers remain true to their heart and passion, becoming the best version of themselves. Self care is crucial to maintaining focus and Meredith coaches individuals in how to create sustainable practices and rhythms.  

Sometimes saying no is the best thing you can do.  Try it sometime!

The Faves

Code of the Extraordinary Mind by Vishen Lakhiani

Meditation and High Consciousness by Deepak Chopra

Anything by Brene Brown


Anything that will help her learn Spanish!

The Contacts