The craziest path into a picture book career and why you shouldn’t try this at home … or anywhere else. Chris Robertson is this episode’s guest. We dive deep into his career path and the books he loves to create.

This week’s feature book is the new board book version of Where Do Pants Go? This story is going to make such a great board book. When I read this to my 3-year old he always joins in!

To win a copy of Where Do Pants Go, leave a review for the podcast on iTunes or share a message about the show on social media. Then send me an email (nickpattonstudio [at] gmail [dot] com) with your iTunes handle and/or a link to your social post.

Chris Robertson is an author and illustrator whose work I started noticing during the launch of Giraffes Ruin Everything in 2016. I find his illustrations energetic, fun and always serving the story. And I find Chris to be the same.

To hear Chris talk about what success looks like to him and advice for children’s picture book makers, become a member of Picturebooking’s Patreon Podcast.