PiCast Episode 233 - Cruisin


We just got back from our first Cruise as a family and of course it was a Disney Cruise! We’ll tell you everything you need to know in this episode!


We also plan to start some interviews again. If you’d like to be a guest on the PiCast, please reach out. We love to promote our friends!


Check out these promotions for our listeners: 


Interested in a subscription Board Game Service. You can use the offer code “PIDAY” for free shipping on your first month at https://unboxboardom.com 


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Contact us at [email protected]

Leave us a Voicemail on the Pi Line 626-66-PIDAY



The music in this episode is “Advertime” Written by Rafael Krux. This music is available for commercial and non-commercial purposes. FreePD.com


On this episode:

#Disney #Cruise #DisneyCruise #MexicanRiviera #CaboSanLucas #MexicoCruise