PiCast Episode 196  - Fabulous Las Vegas


We had a great trip to Las Vegas to celebrate a couple birthdays and an engagement. We avoided crowds and spent most of our time with family eating take out in the hotel room playing board games! It was a nice little get away. We visited the Neon Museum and Pinball Hall of Fame while we were in town.


Don’t forget, we are still working on our goal of 26 new games in 2021. If you have any suggestions, please reach out!


We are only 4 episodes away from 200. If you’d like to hear yourself on that major episode, please call our voicemail! See the number below. We are also planning some giveaways!


Important links:


Check out UnboxBoardom and use the offer code “PIDAY” for free shipping on your first month at https://unboxboardom.com 


Contact us at [email protected]

Leave us a Voicemail on the Pi Line 626-66-PIDAY



Follow us on Twitter & Instagram: @PiDayFamily

or Tumblr http://pidaycosplay.tumblr.com


The music in this episode is “Advertime” Written by Rafael Krux. This music is available for commercial and non-commercial purposes. FreePD.com


On this episode:

#LasVegas #GunsAndRoses #GnFnR #BoardGames #UnboxBoardom #NeonMuseum #Pinball #PinballHallOfFame #Neon