Ashish Dev Gera is a physiotherapist in the Doon Valley in India. In this discussion, he shares his perspective on the challenges facing his profession in India.

We talk about

- The problem of "Brain Drain" as Ashish sees it, where Indian physiotherapists are choosing to go abroad for better professional opportunities

- The hierarchical system encountered by physiotherapists in India

- Underrepresentation of Indian physiotherapists at international conferences, and the possible reasons for this

- Self-perception of physiotherapists in India and lack of confidence in their own skills and abilities

- The importance of hearing and promoting voices from diverse backgrounds and places

- Ashish's ambition to help raise standards in his profession at home

Off-camera, following the interview Ashish told me "I just want to leave the profession better than I found it". I think this sums up his mission and hopes perfectly.

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