Interview Guest
Today's interview is physiotherapist Julie Ann Day (Platypus Award) who walked the professional 'road less travelled';

studying yoga in India after completing her diplomacompleting her degree 35 years later in a foreign language for a first job, worked in a 5 star hotel that specialised in mud therapy andhas a nuanced opinion of how manual therapy fits within physiotherapy

Research Bullet
Today's insight is provided by Lawrence Steinbeck, USA Physiotherapist with his experience incorporating pragmatic clinical research into day to day clinical practice.

Julie is originally from Adelaide, where she trained as a physiotherapist, qualifying in 1977. Julie has been living and working in Padova, Italy since 1984. In 1998 she began studying Fascial Manipulation with Luigi Stecco, the Italian physiotherapist who developed this method. Julie has since translated three texts on this subject from Italian to English (‘Fascial Manipulation for Musculoskeletal Pain’, 2004; ‘Fascial Manipulation - Practical Part’, 2009; ‘Fascial Manipulation for Internal Dysfunctions’, 2013).

An authorised teacher of Fascial Manipulation since 2002, Julie has taught Level I & Level II courses of Fascial Manipulation in Italy, Canada, USA, UK, Poland, Finland, Denmark, and Australia, as well as presenting numerous workshops and presentations on this subject at International conferences. She is also one of the founding members of the AMF (Asssociazione Manipolazione Fasciale) and currently holds the position of Teachers’ representative on the AMF’s Executive Council.

Podcast Mentions
Julies' edited book of case studies
Fascial Manipulation®-Stecco method®: the practitioner’s perspective

For Stecco fascial manipulation texts
See Luigi Stecco consult

Calsius, J., et al. 2016. Touching the Lived Body in Patients with Medically Unexplained Symptoms. How an Integration of Hands-on Bodywork and Body Awareness in Psychotherapy may Help People with Alexithymia.  doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.00253

Day, J. 2011. From clinical experience to a model for the human fascial system. doi:10.1016/j.jbmt.2012.01.003

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