Join us in this week's video podcast with Keith Willard (Behind the Veil) discussing using events to produce multiple revenue streams.

In this episode, we discuss:

Top things to know before planning a major event
Managing expectations 
Networking events and expanding your contact list
Jumping into the fire, facing adversity and redirecting to success
Why events?
What makes a good guest and/or host?
What makes a successful event?
What are some mistakes to avoid when planning a major event 
What do people really want when going to an event? 
What red flags should everyone be aware of when booking a venue, hotel, or vendor?
Why is it important to keep a smile on your face even when the world is burning down around you?

Keith Willard is a Broward-based event planner working “from concept to completion,” for social, business and non-profit occasions. With over 30 years of event planning experience, Keith’s expertise has created everything from intimate dinners with a private chef to parties with thousands of participants for a gala at Madame Tussauds in London.

He can be reached at:

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