Myles Wakeham is an Australian who migrated to the USA in 1989 and has since become a multi-millionaire, lives a 100% free and unconstrained life, not needing a job despite never graduating from high school or college. He is a self-made business focused technologist who was one of the early members of biotechnology corporation Amgen, now the largest Biotech company in the world. An early investor in Bitcoin since 2011, Myles also owns a portfolio of rental properties.

In this episode, we highlight the following topics:

Why people should throw out the traditional concept of retirement entirely
Why do statistics and numbers matter, and what specific statistics represent the greatest threat to personal freedom in the USA?
What is "Financial Sustainability"?
Why should people get a passport and travel?
Why is the wrong sort of debt toxic?
Can anyone become financially free in the 21st century, even if they are on a minimum wage?
Do you have to have a college education to be successful?
Technology, cryptocurrency, and Big Brother

Myles Wakeham is Founder of the Financially Independent Contrarian, and can be reached at

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