Description: Welcome to this episode of the podcast. Today's guest is Nicole Lubing and we will dive into the world of teaching foreign languages and the journey of a teacher turned entrepreneur. Nicole is an experienced educator with a background in Spanish and English as a Second Language. In this episode, we will discuss the importance of teaching a foreign language to your child, how Nicole transitioned from a public school teacher to a successful teacherpreneur, and strategies for teaching a foreign language in a homeschool setting.

We'll explore the benefits of learning a foreign language and why it's important to start at an early age. Nicole shares her personal journey of how she started her online business, which primarily focuses on teaching Spanish to homeschool families. She offers valuable insights on how to make learning a foreign language fun and engaging for children.

We'll also discuss the traditional approach to language learning versus comprehensible input and how to find a balance between the two. Nicole will share her thoughts on her philosophy of education and how gradual immersion can help kids become fluent in a foreign language.

If you're a teacher looking to transition out of the classroom or a homeschool parent looking to teach a foreign language, Nicole has some great advice to offer. She talks about niching down and finding your passion and offers tips on how to stay motivated as a teacher or homeschool parent.

So, tune in to this episode to hear from Nicole Lubing, an expert teacherpreneur, and learn valuable strategies for teaching a foreign language in a homeschool setting.

To connect with Nicole, visit her website:

Disclaimer: Not advice. Educational purposes only. Not an endorsement for or against. Results not vetted. Views of the guests do not represent those of the host or show. Do your due diligence.

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