Imagine reaching the pinnacle of success, achieving all of your dreams and goals.   

You look around either in joy-ecstasy or utter despair.   

You ask yourself, "Is this all there is?"  

Or you feel contempt and disgust at yourself, spiraling into despair, unhappiness, and depression.   

This feeling is common among the highest achievers - Olympic athletes, CEO's, entrepreneurs, billionaires, and celebrities. It is a feeling that I personally experienced in 2008, thinking I had reached the pinnacle. Unfortunately, it is a feeling that is pervasive and more common with people searching for more fulfillment, happiness in their lives, yet unable to, searching, yearning for it, but confused by societal values, cultural conditioning, and the media. 

In this episode, we are joined by Dr. Sogol Pahlavan, MD, who reached the pinnacle of "success" several years ago - graduating from a top-rated medical school, having a beautiful family, dream house, financial stability, and a highly productive career. Despite all of these outward accolades, Dr. Sogol still felt empty and unfulfilled. 

In this podcast episode, you will gain insights into why this frequently happens, where we delve into concepts such as the intention and energy behind the thought, emotion, and action, meditation, letting go, unconditional love, and acceptance, and many other concepts that will allow one to make peace with themselves, and achieve fulfillment, and happiness along with success.   

Bio: Dr Sogol is a board certified pediatrician founder & managing partner of ABC Pediatric Clinic established in 2008. She along with her sister Dr. Silen have grown their 2 physician private independent pediatric clinic serving 10,000 patients in east Houston which is an underserved hispanic community. After struggling with burnout and “chronic fatigue”, Dr. Sogol embarked on a journey of mindfulness living & became certified as a mindfulness coach working with female minority physicians. She utilizes mindfulness tools along with meditation, yoga, and breathwork to connect to the present moment to find self fulfillment and JOY. She teaches physicians to fully take back responsibility for their life by reclaiming their power and committing to being their most authentic self.  Dr. Sogol Pahlavan, MD has her very own podcast Mindful Living with Dr. Sogol (, and can be reached at