Description: Welcome to our podcast episode with Pranay Parikh, MD, where we discuss the challenges of transitioning out of your day job, balancing life, work, and family, and the importance of strategic partnerships for scaling quickly.

We dive deep into the world of entrepreneurship, exploring how to start a side hustle without quitting your day job, and whether doctors need side hustles to thrive. Dr. Parikh shares his personal experience of transitioning from a practicing physician to becoming the president of a private equity company that has bought over a quarter billion worth of real estate.

We also discuss the relationship between medicine and entrepreneurship, whether medicine prepared Dr. Parikh for entrepreneurship, and the secret to scaling quickly. Dr. Parikh candidly shares his experience with imposter syndrome and how he manages to balance his family life with his business ventures.

Finally, we ask Dr. Parikh if he would choose differently if he had to do everything again. Tune in to gain valuable insights and strategies for balancing a career and family, starting a successful side hustle, and achieving entrepreneurial success.

To connect with Pranay, visit his podcast: where you can listen to and subscribe to From MD to Entrepreneur podcast to hear more about Pranay's journey in entrepreneurship.

Disclaimer: Not advice. Educational purposes only. Not an endorsement for or against. Results not vetted. Views of the guests do not represent those of the host or show. Do your due diligence.

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Financial Freedom for Physicians, Copyright 2023