Description: In this episode, we dive deep into Jeff Bezos' 21 Shareowner Letters with Steve Anderson, author of The Bezos Letters. Anderson shares how Bezos' principles are hidden in plain sight and how they can help small businesses achieve success.

Anderson explains the importance of high-velocity decision-making and how it's key to moving fast. He reveals why it's crucial to become a customer-obsessed business and not just customer-focused. Anderson breaks down Amazon's Customer Experience Pillars and how you can implement them in your own company.

We explore the 4 key growth cycles that every successful company is always intentionally moving through, and Anderson shares why you’ll never think or grow big enough if you’re not willing to risk “failure”. He also explains why the flywheel is Amazon's secret growth weapon.

Whether you’re a startup or an established business, you won't want to miss this insightful conversation with Steve Anderson. Tune in to discover how you can apply Bezos' growth principles to your own business and catapult your growth.

To check out Steve's book, "The Bezos Letters: 14 Principles to Grow Your Business Like Amazon", head on over to Amazon:

To connect with Steve, visit his website:

Disclaimer: Not advice. Educational purposes only. Not an endorsement for or against. Results not vetted. Views of the guests do not represent those of the host or show. Do your due diligence.

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