Tom Ruwitch is a consultant, content-marketing expert, and founder of Story Power Marketing. He is a digital marketing pioneer who founded the email marketing software and services company MarketVolt in 2001 - before most business people had even heard of email marketing. Today, coaches, consultants, and other experts hire Tom to power up their stories because most dish out the same old boring content that turns off prospects, and then they feel frustrated and stuck. So Tom helps them transform content from boring to brilliant, turn marketing from frustrating to fun, and convert results from pitiful to profitable.

Ideas that are discussed in this episode include:  

How to turn your content from boring to brilliant so prospects tune in and turn on
Storytelling for business -- dos and don'ts.
Why storytellers sell more and have more fun doing it
How to create client-attracting content consistently -- without writer's block
Many business people say they don't have an interesting story to tell. How do you respond? 
I've heard you say, "Storytelling does NOT have to be so complex." What do you mean by that?
What's the most important skill/quality you need to be an effective business storyteller? 
How do you overcome writer's block? 
How do you come up with content ideas? 
My audience is serious business people. They don't want to hear stories. How do you respond? 

You can learn more about Story Power Marketing and reach Tom at

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