Give a Heck Financial was founded by Dwight Heck, who started his career while living paycheck to paycheck as a single Dad of five children. Like many of us, Dwight didn’t understand how money worked or the basics of budgeting. Money came in and immediately disappeared, followed by sleepless nights and stress filled with quiet desperation. Instead of asking for help, Dwight kept his financial troubles to himself to avoid embarrassment and judgment. 

Now Dwight helps educate people that life success is not just about having enough money, it is about learning what you truly want and taking ownership of where you're at. 

Ideas discussed in the episode: 

How budgeting helps people live life on purpose
How to get off the hamster wheel of life and live on purpose not by accident
How to have more money at the end of each month.  
Knowing your numbers to be a successful entrepreneur
Why are associations so much more than just who you hang with?
What are some of the key things to do to change one's state of mind?
How to train yourself never to have a bad day and only bad moments in your day
Difference between needs and wants. 
Why should people be open and honest with their kids about where they are at financially and not hide it like prior generations have?

Dwight can be reached at

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