John Miller was born in 1958 in Ithaca, N.Y. His dad, Jimmy Miller, was the Cornell University wrestling coach and a small-town pastor. This is probably why John finds it so natural to coach and teach!

At 18, John asked 16-year-old, Karen, to a movie and a few short years later they married in June 1980. Hired by Cargill off the Cornell U. campus to be a “grain trader,” John and Karen lived in three states in five years, finally settling in Minneapolis, MN. In early 1986, John began a new career providing leadership and sales management training to Twin Cities’ corporations from all industries.

This is how and when John created QBQ! The Question Behind the Question. Throughout a decade of selling and facilitating training for executives and managers, he discovered the incredible need for personal accountability. In 1995, he chose to become a keynote speaker, titling his sessions “Personal Accountability and the QBQ!”—even though some people told him that “personal accountability isn’t a topic.”

John’s speaking career took off and he began writing books, gaining the new title of “author.”

As physicians we are problem solvers, but sometimes, especially when it doesn’t apply to patient care, we might not be asking the right questions, so he helps us reframe our questions to help us be better managers, bosses, and team leaders. This is all about personal accountability, so if this isn’t your speed, switch back over to Tim Ferriss’ podcast. We talk about personal accountability when it comes to managing our staff, managing our patients, and working in large institutions that don’t love you back.

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