Dr. Sarah Smith is a family physician and charting coach. She specializes in helping physicians with our charting backlog so we can get home on time without the looming cloud of unfinished charts and callbacks. 
We discuss how to add efficiency to your day by making sure you are laser focused on your patient and you aren’t finished until that chart is closed. This frees up mental space for the next patient, making that visit a bit more efficient. By the end of your morning, have a plan for how you are going to tackle callbacks. We also discuss dictation, scribes, templates, and how this is all easier said than done.
She went to medical school at the University of Western Australia and has worked in primarily rural communities as a family physician, and is now in Edson, Alberta, Canada. Dr. Smith is a certified life coach and knows firsthand the experience of never being done and having unfinished charts and inboxes begging for your attention.  She has hundreds of hours of experience coaching many physicians in the outpatient setting with improving their office and workplace efficiency and finding solutions to getting their work done during their clinical day. You can find her at chartingcoach.ca.   To learn more — and try Deputy out for free — go to www.doctorpodcastnetwork.com/deputy