Scott J. Allen, Ph.D., is the Dr. James S. Reid Chair in Management at John Carroll University. He is an associate professor and teaches courses in leadership, management skills, and executive communication. He is also a communications coach, consultant, author, podcast host, and entrepreneur. For almost two decades, he’s worked with clients to improve their leadership and communication skills.

Maria Soriano Young, M.A. is a Communication Manager for the Chair of the Heart, Vascular, & Thoracic Institute at Cleveland Clinic. Her background includes 11 years in higher education, having taught a variety of courses at John Carroll University, including business communication and first-year writing, directed the Writing Center, and coached graduate assistants to become effective teachers.

Their book, Captovation: Online Presentations by Design, is one of the first comprehensive guides to crafting, revising, and delivering online presentations that are engaging and effective.

We first go through the basics of presentations and common pitfalls, like huge, packed slide decks. We then go through the intentionality of the online presentation, from staging, to vocal tonality and cadence, and various ways to keep the audience’s attention from props to the chat function to pregnant pauses and more. And we end on the challenge of the hybrid lecture.

Are you coaching curious or a coach yourself looking to improve your services? Then head to to learn more.