Amy G. Fogelman, MD, is back for a follow-up interview. We talk about her first case, which she couldn’t talk much about because of privacy rules, so we also talk about her first case that went to trial, which means it is public information. We talk about what she would have done differently early on in her medical career and what I should do once I get my first case (in case anyone needs an otolaryngologist – I’m here for you).

We also talk about CVs and what we should do to make our CVs more appropriate for medical-legal consulting.


Dr. Fogelman is Board Certified in Internal Medicine with 18 years of experience seeing patients at ambulatory practices in the Boston area. She went to med school at Boston University, did residency at Beth Israel in Boston, and Chief Residency in Primary Care at the VA in West Roxbury.  

She founded her medical-legal consulting firm in 2018 – MedLaw Consulting. She has matched almost 400 expert witnesses with attorneys and has helped medical professionals land expert witness work and master the business skills we need to get hired repeatedly. 

Dr Fogelman's Instagram: @amyfogelmanmd

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Dr Fogelman's website: