Dr. Altelisha “Lisha” Taylor is a family medicine resident, professional speaker, doctor-preneur, and money coach who promotes physician wellness through financial literacy. She is the founder of  CareerMoneyMoves.com and creator of the Facebook Group Financial Grand Rounds, two platforms that help busy young professionals, especially doctors, put systems in place to build wealth.

We first discussed something unrelated to personal finance and it was how someone who went to a super competitive undergrad like Duke, chose the not so competitive specialty of family medicine, and ultimately it came down how one defines success, and why its important to make sure we have internal measures of success rather than external ones. Then we got into the money stuff, like how as a resident she can discuss real estate when none of us had two nickels to rub together, the worst advice she every got, money mistakes she’s made, common advice she gives to colleagues, why physicians love Robert Kiyosaki so much (who has become a doomsday prepper). 

Dr. Taylor got her bachelors from Duke University, MPH from George Washington University, MD from the University of Florida, and did her residency at Emory University. She was an exclusive content writer for Doximity, worked at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, spent time in private equity, and even created the Personal Finance guide for Residents and Fellows at Emory University that is now on the GME website.