Tim DiFrancesco is the head strength and conditioning coach for the Los Angeles Lakers, and I’m a huge fan of his because he’s got such a truly refreshing approach to both training and rehabilitation. In this show, we’re going to cover why Tim feels today’s athletes aren’t as durable as those in years past, how […]

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Tim DiFrancesco is the head strength and conditioning coach for the Los Angeles Lakers, and I’m a huge fan of his because he’s got such a truly refreshing approach to both training and rehabilitation.

In this show, we’re going to cover why Tim feels today’s athletes aren’t as durable as those in years past, how he trains his athletes during both the off and competitive season, and the training tools and technology he’s using with the team.

Show Outline

Here’s a brief overview of this episode:

How Tim got into the world of physical preparation.
How he landed a dream job like training the Los Angeles Lakers.
Why Tim feels today’s athletes are flat out less durable (and more injury-prone) than those of years past.
The big goals he has for his athletes during the off-season.
How he manages and oversees 15 athletes during the off-season.
The big changes Tim makes to his programming when the competitive season cranks up.
The modifications he makes for athletes that aren’t getting as much game action as his first stringers.
The BIG question.
The super popular and ever awesome lightning round! Including the freakiest athletes he’s trained, his biggest accomplishments, and what makes Kobe Bryant, Kobe Bryant.

Related Links

Tim’s Web Stuff

TD Athlete’s Edge
Tim’s Twitter
Tim’s Instagram
Tim’s YouTube

Tim’s Durability Article Series

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

The post Physical Preparation with Tim DiFrancesco appeared first on Robertson Training Systems.

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