Considering the fact that Nick Grantham grew up in a sporty family, it’s no surprise that sports plays a prominent role in his life. He started playing football, and rugby, until he found Taekwondo, for which he competed internationally. After six years of working in banking & insurance, Nick’s passion for Taekwondo led him to […]

The post Nick Grantham on Being Brilliant at the Basics and the Lost Art of Coaching appeared first on Robertson Training Systems.

Considering the fact that Nick Grantham grew up in a sporty family, it’s no surprise that sports plays a prominent role in his life. He started playing football, and rugby, until he found Taekwondo, for which he competed internationally.

After six years of working in banking & insurance, Nick’s passion for Taekwondo led him to study Sports Science at the University of Chester, where he also completed his Master’s in Exercise and Nutrition Science.

For over 23 years, Nick has been working as a Strength & Conditioning Coach and Sport Science Consultant. Today, he serves as Newcastle Football Club’s Strength Coach.

Nick joins me today to share how he found his way to the world of physical preparation and the lessons he has learned over the years. He underscores the importance of being brilliant at the basics of fitness and human movement and explains why coaches need to avoid short-term gratification.

He also explains the role and importance of communication and soft skills in coaching and explains how he engages with athletes of different backgrounds.


A good coach can work across different sports like a chameleon and blend in their surroundings, switching up their coaching style and the language they use. – Nick Grantham


This week on the Physical Preparation Podcast:

How Nick pivoted from a career in banking & finance to studying exercise science and becoming a strength & conditioning coach
Why being brilliant at the basics of fitness is essential and why Nick maintains a training curriculum
The importance of recovery and regeneration when training athletes and clients
The benefits of sleep and nutrition in fueling and recovering from working out
The lost art of coaching and the need for communication and other soft skills in the coaching industry
How Nick influences and engages with athletes from different backgrounds and sports
Nick’s advice on getting started as a young strength & conditioning coach and the necessity of building networks with other coaches


Resources Mentioned:

The Language of Coaching: The Art & Science of Teaching Movement by Nick Winkelman
Weightroom Wisdom: Lessons in Leadership from 99 Strength Coaches by Ron McKeefery
Conscious Coaching: The Art and Science of Building Buy-In by Brett Bartholomew
Think Small: The Surprisingly Simple Ways to Reach Big Goals by Owain Service & Rory Gallagher
Creativity, Inc.: Overcoming the Unseen Forces That Stand in the Way of True Inspiration by Ed Catmull


Connect with Nick:

Nick Grantham
You’re Hired: An Insider’s Guide to Becoming a Strength and Conditioning Coach by Nick Grantham
Nick Grantham on Twitter
Nick Grantham on Instagram
Nick Grantham on LinkedIn


Stop the Frustration! Get the Complete Coach Certification

Are you a young fitness trainer or coach?

Are you frustrated by the results you’re getting or the lack of resources available to learn the skills you need to be successful?

Are you struggling to get enough clients or wondering how long you’ll be able to follow your passion for helping others?

It’s time to stop the frustration and stop worrying. It’s time to get certified!

If you’re serious about improving your results, serious about becoming a better coach, and serious about increasing your bottom line, then you need the Complete Coach Certification.

In this massive course, you’ll learn:

How to use the R7 system to create seamless, integrated and efficient programs for clients and athletes of all shapes and sizes
How to create the culture, environment and relationships with everyone you train so you can get the absolute best results
The exact progressions, regressions, and coaching cues I use in the gym – from squatting and deadlifting to pressing and pulling and everything in between
And much, much more

This certification is jam-packed with everything I’ve learned over the last 20 years of my career.

The next step is simple – head over to and get on my FREE Insiders List. Once there, you’ll  be the first to know when the cert launches, and you’ll be eligible to  save $200 when the course opens!

So if you’re ready to get serious about the results you’re getting for your clients and the impact your programs have on your income, head over to and sign up for the Insider’s List today.


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Thanks for tuning into this week’s episode of The Physical Preparation Podcast – your one-stop-shop for fitness trainers, coaches, and athletes.

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The post Nick Grantham on Being Brilliant at the Basics and the Lost Art of Coaching appeared first on Robertson Training Systems.

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