Chris Chase is the Director of Performance for the Memphis Grizzlies. In this role, he’s in charge of managing Grizzlies performance staff and weight room, writing all performance programming, and serving as one of the strength and conditioning coaches. In this show, Chris and I cover a ton of topics, including the education necessary to […]

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Chris Chase is the Director of Performance for the Memphis Grizzlies. In this role, he’s in charge of managing Grizzlies performance staff and weight room, writing all performance programming, and serving as one of the strength and conditioning coaches.

In this show, Chris and I cover a ton of topics, including the education necessary to work in the NBA, the pros and cons of tech in sport, how his philosophy has evolved since our last episode, and a really big question we all need to be talking about – what is the true role of a strength and conditioning coach.

I feel like Chris is a true visionary in this field, and I can’t wait for you to listen to this show.


Show Outline

Here’s a brief overview of this week’s episode:

Show Intro:

Weekend recap
Congrats Kelan on getting a 2-way!
New Video! What hand position is best on chest supported rows?
Creeping up on 1,000,000 downloads – thank you!
Complete Coach Certification is getting close. Are you on the Insiders List yet?

Deep Thought:

Challenging Yourself

Interview with Chris Chase:

Chris’ current position with the Memphis Grizzlies, and what he’s up to these days
The current education standards in the NBA, and why this could potentially cause issues in the future.
A really tough question: What is the role of a strength and conditioning coach?
How Chris’ philosophy and training has evolved in recent years (and why learning Final Cut may be one of his most important pieces of con ed in recent memory!)
Accountability – what does this word mean at the elite level? And are we always upholding the highest standards?
Technology in sport: The good, the bad, and the ugly


Related Links

Physical Preparation with Chris Chase


Do You Want to Become a Complete Coach?

It seems like every day I talk to a young trainer or coach who is frustrated.

Frustrated with the results they’re getting.

Frustrated because they don’t have trusted resources to learn from.

And maybe they’re frustrated because they simply don’t have enough clients, and wonder how long they’ll be able to stay in the industry.

So if this sounds anything like you, I’ve got something that I know will help!

My Complete Coach Certification was created for trainers and coaches just like you – who are serious about the results they get, and know that becoming a better coach can directly translate to a bigger bottom line.

This certification is going to take the last 20 years of my life’s work and put it all into one massive course. In it you’ll learn:

How to use the R7 system to create seamless, integrated and efficient programs for clients and athletes of all shapes and sizes,
How to create the culture, environment and relationships with everyone you train so you can get the absolute best results, and
The exact progressions, regressions and coaching cues I use in the gym – from squatting and deadlifting to pressing and pulling and everything in between.

Of course there’s a ton more that I cover, but that should give you a pretty good idea of what the certification is all about!

Now here’s the thing – spots for the certification will open twice per year for a limited time only. If you’re interested in learning more, my next certification will launch in September, and if you join my FREE Insiders List, you’ll be able to save $200 when it opens!

If you’re interested in learning more, please head over to to get on the Insider’s List. Thank you!


Sharing is Caring!

If you took something away from this show, please take 30 seconds out of your day to share via email, social or whatever means work best for you.

Thanks so much for your support!

The post Chris Chase on the Evolution of Strength & Conditioning in Basketball appeared first on Robertson Training Systems.