In this episode, we had the honor of talking with Embodied Breakthrough student Hollie Lemin. Hollie is a passionate human dedicated to overcoming challenges and becoming the strongest version of herself. 

Hollie is no stranger to challenges. With a family history of arthritis and being told she would suffer the same fate, she felt pain in daily movement from the age of 16, often struggling just to get out of bed in the morning. She stopped going to the concerts she loved because even standing was painful. She shrank her world down to protect her body.

She tried it all, from physical therapy to carbon copy gym training, running and yoga. While much of mainstream fitness culture didn’t resonate with her, she stayed persistent until finding Embodied Breakthrough.

Now Hollie gets out of bed without aches and pains. She's running completely pain-free, has mastered the deep squat and is feeling inspired to try new things like rock climbing. By fixing her broken foundations and getting her core to work properly again, she is more aware and connected to her body than ever. Instead of her world shrinking, it's now expanding.

She started to understand that challenges and obstacles will always present themselves, but we can learn something from each and every one of them, becoming a stronger person in the process.

Let Hollie’s story inspire YOU to seek support, overcome your challenges and say YES to yourself.

Want to be the next success story?

Schedule a breakthrough call and we'll help you figure out exactly what's been holding you back with your body. Together we'll map out a game plan to get you back on track to becoming the strongest version of yourself.

You could spend the next hour Googling or searching on Youtube, or you could get on a call with us and get the support YOU need for your unique challenges.

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