Two awesome guests join this week, from two different framework projects, both who have been very vocal about their interest in PSR-7: HTTP Message. These two chaps were Hari K T and Matthew Weier O’Phinney.

Now PSR chats can be a little boring when its about autoloading or tabs v bloody spaces, but this PSR could have some really big impact on the way you write PHP over the next few years.

We talk a bunch about Aura and Zend and their plans around middlewares, what motivated Matthew to get involved with taking over PSR-7, what middlewares mean for PHP in general and some of the concerns that have been fixed in recent iterations of the PSR like mutability, streams, etc.

There also a bit of chat about turtles, standing desks and broken ribs, while Phil slowly goes loopy on pain killers.

7PHP Interview with Josh Lockhart - “The Guy Behind ‘PHP The Right Way’ – Find Good Online Resources And Communities & Use Them To Your Advantage”
Experimenting on a different Framework - Hari writes about experimenting with bits of Symfony together via Composer packages
PSR-7 By Example - Matt wrote up some examples of PSR-7 in use
StackPHP - Composing HttpKernelInterface middlewares since 2013!
Stacker - Larry Garfield’s StackPHP-like implementation of PSR-7

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