I’m Rick McEvoy and I explain one photographic thing per episode in plain English in less that 10 minutes without the irrelevant detail. I have well over 30 years of experience in photography so I do know what I am talking about!

In this episode

I tell you which rules of composition I use, how I use them and why this is important.

Let me remind you of my definition of composition.

Quote (from me) “Simple. Composition is the arrangement of the elements in an image to provide the viewer with an aesthetically  pleasing viewing experience”

Composition is important as that is all that someone looking at your photo knows - what they are looking at.

So we need to do the best we can don't we?

Check out the episode web page for more info.

What to ask a question?

Head over to my Photography Explained page and fill the form in and you are done!

Check out my my blog

Check out my photography blog where you will find lots more photography stuff all written by me.

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Thank you very much for listening and see you on the next episode.

Rick McEvoy – Photography Explained Podcast