Hi everybody. Welcome to Episode 8 of the Photography Explained podcast. In this episode – why is camera sensor size important?

I’m your host Rick and each week I will try to explain one photographic thing to you in plain English in less than 10 minutes without the irrelevant details. My aim is to explain things in just enough detail to help us with our photography and no more.

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Why is camera sensor size important?

This is another of those fundamental but still confusing photographic things.The size of the sensor in a camera determines if it is either a

Full frame cameraAPS-C cameraMicro four thirds camera.

What does this nonsense all mean?

Let me explain the different sensor sizes.

My Canon 6D A full frame camera sensor is 36x24mm. Others differ slightly

An APS-C sensor is 25.1x16.7mm. Ok – there are variances from this.

And an Olympus micro four thirds sensor is, according to Mark Thackara at Olympus 18mm x 13.5mm

The actual dimensions vary, but the point is this

Full frame is the biggestAPS-C is smallerAnd MFT is smaller

Does this matter?

Yes. There are three different camera systems, defined by the sensor size

More on this in a future episode.

But in summaryIn theory the bigger the sensor the better the photo.

But that is the theory.

And in general terms the bigger the sensor the bigger the camera.And in general terms the bigger the sensor the more expensive the camera

Does a bigger sensor mean better photos?

No. It does not.

You can get great photos with any of the three types of camera. But there is so much more to this subject - one for another episode.

That’s that one done.

Next on the Photography Explained Podcast – How do I learn to use my camera ?

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Finally, let me know if there is a photography thing that you want me to explain and I will add it to my list. Just head over to my website and click on the podcast tile. If I explain your thing I will give you a shout out on that episode. And the list is now live on my website for all to see!

This episode was brought to you by the power of instant coffee!

Check out my website Rick McEvoy Photography to find out more about me. 

I’ve been Rick McEvoy, thanks again for listening, and I will see you on the next episode. Cheers from me Rick.