Hi everybody. Welcome to Episode 6 of the Photography Explained podcast. In this episode – What are the different types of camera?

I’m your host Rick and each week I will try to explain one photographic thing to you in plain English in less than 10 minutes without the irrelevant details. My aim is to explain things in just enough detail to help us with our photography and no more.

Want to ask a question? Head over to my Photography Explained page and fill the form in and you are done!

What are the different types of camera?

In the last episode I answered the question do I really need a camera in 2020? The answer was it depends.

But for those who need a camera what camera do you buy? There are so many camera out there.

DLSRSLRMirrorlessCompactMedium formatLarge Format3D360Phone

Old terms sort of explained.

In general terms

The bigger the sensor - the bigger and better the camera is, more expensive, higher endThe smaller the sensor the smaller and cheaper the camera.

But I will say this again – a great camera does not guarantee great photos

And an average camera does not exclude great photos

And I am sure there are a few others but these are the main ones. Enough for this episode!

Next on the Photography Explained Podcast – Which camera should I buy?

Having told you what the different types of cameras are I will give you some things to think about regarding the camera that will be right for you.

Thanks for being there!

Thanks for listening and I hope you enjoyed this episode. If you did please leave a nice review and rating wherever you get your podcasts from, and please subscribe so you don’t miss an episode. And if you could also tell everyone you know about my podcast that would be even better. 

You can also check out my website rickmcevoyphotography.com, where you can find out all about me and my architectural and construction photography work, as well as my blog where you can learn lots more about photography.

And it really does not matter. I will say it again – the most important thing is that we enjoy our photography with whatever gear we use, and that we get out and take photos.

Check out my website Rick McEvoy Photography to find out more about me.

I've been Rick McEvoy, thanks again for listening, and I will see you on the next episode.

Cheers from me Rick.