Josh joins me to talk about the presentation we will be teaching together during this week’s Out of Chicago LIVE Conference and then he tells me about an image that I am STILL boiling with envy about!

Join us at Out of Chicago LIVE! This weekend for three days of online global photography instruction! Get your access here before Thursday!

After the fun of celebrating our chance to still teach during this Covid-19 craziness, Josh shares with me his story about an image of his that I had NOT known about yet and I can’t believe I had my head in the sand so much! I LOVE THIS IMAGE! I can’t believe how much I love it, such a fantastic composition and high quality execution that it was a lot of fun to hear the story behind this shot.

Here are Kertu's and Dany's IGs: 

Coming up on a future episode, Josh will join me again to talk about the FULL STORY of creating this shot and I cannot wait!

See you at!

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