Jenna Martin - despite being landlocked in Billings, Montana - created and mastered a majorly interesting niche in photography: Underwater Portraiture! And not just Fine Art, but actual families come to her from all over to get a spectacular and candid family portrait!

Jenna shares the challenges, the gear, the dedication of her models and her crazy determination to experience exactly what her models are experiencing! If they don't get a wetsuit, she doesn't get a wetsuit. Whether it is a freezing cold lake or a chlorine picture ruining pool, Jenna is dressed in the same comforts or lack thereof that her models are.

In the second half, Jenna shares a story about a mystery figure in the water next to her model and it is in the picture here over on her instagram:

Jenna also shares her experience giving a Ted talk, one of my personal goals in life, and the details behind the scenes on what Ted Talks require of you is way off what I expected!

We had a blast hearing about her experiences and crazy admired her tenacity going for a type of photography that has so many quirks about it that there are unpredictable challenges like what makeup her models have to wear underwater!

It really is a fascinating story and we think whether you would actually someday consider doing underwater photography yourself or not, you will love to hear about Jenna's work!

To follow Jenna's Photography, go to her blog at:

More of her images at Instagram and be like Eric Pare and follow Jenna!

Keep up with Jenna through her podcast too! Creative Chaos Podcast: