Jeff Pedersen has JUST returned from a 16-Day adventure out in Kenya, Africa! He shares with us priceless tips on how to pack, travel and prioritize gear to be able to get all your gear to Kenya successfully through the 2-day flight nightmare you go through.

Then we hear the amazing energy the Maasai Warriors drive the jeeps the photographers are all in around the area. These drivers are dedicated to getting you the image of a lifetime and they don't go nervously around to all of the animals. They speed!

All the specifics of Camp Entim is shared by Jeff, along with great tips on how to capture the best shot. If you have ever considered doing Wildlife Photography in Kenya, this episode is a mini-course on everything you need to consider and why you should consider Camp Entim for your next adventure!

Here is the video from Jeff of Camp Entim:

Follow more of Jeff Pedersen's work here:

Jeff's Website: