MaryBeth Kiczenski and Kirk Keyes join me as co-hosts to talk about the new Coronal Holes and what that means for Aurora Photography and they get to be my audience while I share a story about people being A-Holes to each other out doing Milky Way Photography.

Aurora Season has begun and we are in a Solar Minimum. Which means we are in the valley heading back up to the mountain peak. The roller coaster that is the Aurora has an 11-year cycle as it goes up to the MAX and then down to the MIN and right now we are excitedly transitioning away from the min and heading towards the max again! During a Solar Minimum, Aurora Photographers pay close attention to when Coronal Holes open up on the sun and can plan on consistent Aurora activity while the coronal holes are pointing at us.

We have the coronal holes coming back around to face Earth and we are about to head into some more exciting Aurora activity, so I have on MaryBeth on to give tips for beginner Aurora Photographers and learn more about how to predict aurora.

Keep up on Aurora at
Link to the Space Weather Woman YouTube channel: