🖥️ When Phoole’s family got their first Timex Sinclair 1000 computermachine back in 1982, and then upgraded to the mighty Zenith Z-89 by Heathkit a year later, could they imagine a Phooliverse connected online? 💻 Nope - none of those words existed then. 💾 For the past couple of weeks, Phoole’s been buried in computery stuff. 💽 So this is a computery show! 👩‍💻 2 hours of tunes about tech. 🖱️⌨️🖨️ Originally broadcast live worldwide via https://slipmat.io/phoole, https://twitch.tv/phoole, & https://mixcloud.com/live/phoole on Friday, 23 Feb 2024, 6:00 p.m. Central US time.
