This week join Danny and Mike as they tuck in to a baguette packed with succulent slices proto-phenomenological goodness. Yes, it’s not even lunch time in France and we are already 2 bottles of merlot down and have started on the pastis. Listen in as we move between the front room (where we encounter the world) and the back room where we reflect on what we encounter in the front room - and where we can safely sit around in our pants and play on our XBoite. Yes, we are still in France and we are loving it. It’s time to say a big old “meh” to authority and, in a surprisingly un-French move, give a suspicious sidelong glance at passion. WTF Montaigne? Call yourself a French man?? All of this and we have still spectacularly failed to free Danny from the toilette - Non on ne regrette rien!