This week, join Mike, Danny and Nesso amongst the smell of burning libraries and the acrid taste of scorched scrolls. Alexandria, Constantinople, the local high street, what exactly is lost when a library bites the dust? Wither the bespectacled and cardigan clad librarian of yesteryear? Who are the gatekeepers of todays knowledge archives? Does it matter if the knowledge comes to us or we go in search of the knowledge? Is a Renaissance even possible anymore? Listen in as Nesso invites Machiavelli to a dinner party, see him hog all the after dinner mints and serve the port in the wrong direction. Stare on in mute horror as Danny tries to strike up a post prandial conversation with the Vittruvian man while indelicately commenting on his lack of underwear. Yes, Renaissance Humanism is in full swing amongst our wondering WTF team. All this and why Game of Thrones got rubbish real quick