This week, join Mike and Danny in shock and surprise as we, entirely by accident, and with no forward planning, bump into Nesso the Australian philosopher, wine drinker and all round top Sheila. Yes it is time to confront the tragic nature of human existence so settle back, pour yourselves a glass of retsina and enjoy this weeks exploration into accidents and misunderstandings that litter our lives. Just how much control do we really have over our own existences? Once the gods have finished messing with us and circumstances out of our control have had their way. By the time environmental variables have impacted upon the warp and weft of the tapestries of our lives and the fates have slipped a stitch and decided it would be too much hassle to go back and unpick everything, how much of “us” actual goes into our existence? To be honest, when all is said and done are we really our fault? Seriously, I can’t be held responsible for me man, I mean, I am just a scapegoat for my own existence (By the way, look out for Danny’s joke). Anyway it is time for us to engage in a joint cathartic scream, ok, on 3. 1…2….