This week join Mike and Danny and their new band 'The Nasty, Brutish and Short’ as they lay down some more wicked beats to scandalise and appal you all. How, I hear you cry, can we keep such evil under restraint? How will we curb the excesses of these sinful individuals who flout the laws of both god and man? "Some sort of leviathan perhaps?" shouts Hobbs from the back. "What about a sharp stake and some holy symbols?" suggests somebody with a big hat lurking in the shadows. “Maybe a bunch of strategically positioned fig-leaves?” exclaim the naked couple casually spiting out fruit pips at a snake. But wait, surely there is nothing inherently evil about these guy, right? I mean, perhaps it’s the infrastructure they are forced to work within. Let’s smash the system and see what happens! Yes, front row centre its Hannah Arendt and Simone de Beauvoir kicking in doors and taking names. Us? We were just obeying orders.